Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1991;28(4): 279. |
통계적 파괴확률에 의한 Sin/Hip 질화규소의 신뢰도 분석(III) |
송진수, 이재석1, 김해일1, 이준근 |
한국과학기술연구원 구조세라믹스연구실 1한국과학기술연구원 부설 시스템공학연구소 |
Reliability Analysis of Statistical Failure Probability in Sin/Hip $Si_3N_4$ (III) |
KIST/CARES reliability analysis program was used to calculate failure probabilities of piston pin and poppet valve. The 4-point bending test was performed on Sin/Hip Si3N4 for obtaining material parameters such as m, $sigma$o, and KB, and the finite element analysis was performed using MSC/NASTRAN for obtaining stress distribution. The calculated failure probability of piston pin was lower than 10-6 and the failure probaility of poppet valve was greater than 0.95. |