Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1990;27(3): 423. |
$YBa_2Cu_3O_x$초전도체의 액상 소결과 $Y_2BaCuO_5$를 이용한 입자 크기 제어 |
노광수, 이정용, 위당문 |
한국과학기술원 재료공학과 |
Liquid-Phase Sintering of $YBa_2Cu_3O_x$ Ceramic Superconductor and Grain Size Control Using $Y_2BaCuO_5$ |
YBa2Cu3Ox ceramics superconductors fabricated using solid state reaction usually contain second phases, such as BaCuO2 and CuO. These second phases are located long the grain boundaries and enhance the abnormal growth of YBa2Cu3Ox grains and, consequently, generate the microcracks. These second phaases were reduced by adding Y2BaCuO5 into solid state reacted YBa2Cu3Ox ceramics. Y2BaCuO5 reacts with grain boundary second phases and reduces the grian size of the ceramics. It was observed the critical current density was improved by adding Y2BaCuO5 into solid state reacted YBa2Cu3Ox ceramic superconductor. |