Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1985;22(3): 46. |
Ti 조성이 (Ba, Sr) $TiO_3$계 반도체 세라믹에 미치는 영향 |
박금덕, 조상희 |
경북대학교 공과대학 전자공학과 |
The Effect of Ti Compositions on (Ba, Sr) $TiO_3$ Semiconducting Ceramics |
(Ba0.8. Sr0.2) $TiO_3$ semiconducting ceramic with and without Ti-excess composition were prepared by various sintering temperature. The effects of Ti compositions on the samples were discussed in terms of color micro-structure resistivity at room temperature and the positive temperature coefficient resistivity(PTCR). The 1.02mol Ti-excess composition provides better PTCR properties and has uniform micrositructures with 5-7${mu}{textrm}{m}$. |