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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 22(3); 1985 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1985;22(3): 19.
$SrTiO_3$ 세라믹 전극에 의한 광전기 화학변환
윤기현, 김태희
연세대학교 요업공학과
Photoelectrochemical Converision with $SrTiO_3$ Ceramic Electrodes
The phtoelectrochemical porperties of $Nb_2O_5$, $Sb_2O_3$ and $V_2O_5$ doped and pure $SrTiO_3$ ceramic electodes were investigated. Shapes of I-V and I-λ characteristics of the pure $SrTiO_3$ ceramic electrode are similar to those of SrTiO3 single crystal electorde ; the anodic current strats at -0.9V (vs. Ag/AgCI) in 1 N-NaOH aqueous solution and the photoresponse appears at a wavelength of about 390nm and the quantum efficiency is about 3.5% at wavelength of 390nm under 0.5V vs. Ag/AgCl. Photocurrents of $Nb_2O_5$, $Sb_2O_3$ and $V_2O_5$ doped electrodes and $V_2O_5$ doped ceramic electrode appears at wavelength of 390nm and 500nm respectively.
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