Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1981;18(4): 247. |
아-크로 천장 사용후의 규석벽돌의 광물 및 화학적 변화 |
오기동, 박홍채1 |
부산대학교 1경남대학 병설 공전대 |
Mineral and Chemical Changes in Silica Brick After Service in Arc-furnace Roofs |
Silica bricks had been in arc-furnace roofs of various sizes and steelmaking practices. The resulting materials were examined with reference to mineral and chemical changes. Silica bricks develope definite zones while in service. These zones represent a concentration gradient through the brick that results from the thermal gradient across the brick and from the furnace atmosphere. There are major brick losses by spalling as well as by melting of the hot-face surface in an iron-oxide rich liquid. |