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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 16(2); 1979 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1979;16(2): 83.
Flux 첨가에 의한 Anorthite 합성에 관한 연구
안영필, 최석홍, 이광1
한양대학교 공대 요업과
1경남대 화공과
The Synthesis of Anorthite by Addition of Flux
The Anorthite is useful compound for some ceramic industries but it is difficult to produce Anorthite because of its high melting point (1553$^{circ}C$) and narrow firing range. On this study, glass frit was added to Anorthite batch composition to widen firing range and lower melting point. After mixing a glass frit $(Na_2O-CaO-6SiO_2)$ with Anorthite, it was melted and quenched. Ratio of Anorthite vs. glass frit was 9 : 1, 8.5 : 1.5, 8 : 2, 7.5 : 2.5, 7 : 3. In those batch composition added amount of $No_2O$ were between 1.3wt.% and 3.9wt.%. To find the thermal change of the quenched, D.T.A. was surveyed. The quenched were fired at various vitrification temperature and detected by X-Raydiffraction analysis. With addition of glass frit, firing range and vitrification temperature of Anorthite was 100~15$0^{circ}C$ and 1050~115$0^{circ}C$ respectively. Optimum amount of glass frit was 20wt.% for the upper mentioned.
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