Effect of Screen Printing and Sintering Conditions on Properties of Thick Film Resistor on AlN Substrate
Bon Keup Koo
Effect of Filament Winding Methods on Surface Roughness and Fiber Volume Fraction of SiCf/SiC Composite Tubes
Daejong Kim, Jongmin Lee, Ji Yeon Park, Weon-Ju Kim
Effects of the Surface Roughness of a Graphite Substrate on the Interlayer Surface Roughness of Deposited SiC Layer
Ji Yeon Park, Myung Hoon Jeong, Daejong Kim, Weon-Ju Kim
Properties of Mirror-surface Grinding for Metal Matrix Ceramic Composites
Tae-Soo Kwak
Mirror-surface Machining Properties of Structural Ceramics using Diamond Abrasives
Yoo-Young Kim, Tae-Soo Kwak, Kyung-Nyun Kim
Estimation of Tribological Properties on Surface Modified SiC by Chlorine Gas Reaction at Various Temperatures
Heung-Taek Bae, Ji-Hoon Jeong, Hyun-Ju Choi, Dae-Soon Lim
Oxidation Behavior of Nuclear Graphite(IG110) with Surface Roughness
Kwang-Youn Cho, Kyong-Ja Kim, Yun-Soo Lim, Se-Hwan Chi
Fabrication of a (100) Silicon Master Using Anisotropic Wet Etching for Embossing
Yu-Min Jung, Yeong-Cheol Kim
Dry Etching Characteristics of LiNbO3 Single Crystal for Optical Waveguide Fabrication
Woo-Jung Park, Woo-Seok Yang, Han-Young Lee, Dae-Ho Yoon
Surface Morphology and Characteristics of LiNbO3 Single Crystal by Helicon Wave Plasma Etching
박우정, 양우석, 이한영, 윤대호
Effects of Process Parameters on the Coating Properties of APS TiO2 ioceramic Coatings
Hak-Kwak Kim, Ju-Woong Jang, Byoung-Soo Kim, Ji-Woong Moon, Deuk-Yong Lee, Chang-Hee Lee
Preparation and Characterization of Glass-ceramics in MgO-${Al_2}{O_3}$-$SiO_2$ Glass
손성범, 최세영
J. Korean Ceram. Soc. 2000;37(6):604
Deposition Behaviors and Electrical Properties of Sb-doped $SnO_2$ Films by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
김근수, 서지윤, 이희영, 김광호
J. Korean Ceram. Soc. 2000;37(2):194
Selectivity and Characteristics of $beta$-SiC Thin Film Deposited on the Masked Substrate
양원재, 김성진, 정용선, 최덕균, 전형탁, 오근호
J. Korean Ceram. Soc. 1999;36(1):55
The Improvement of Surface Roughness of Poly-$Si_{1-x}Ge_x$Thin Film Using Ar Plasma Treatment
이승호, 소명기
J. Korean Ceram. Soc. 1997;34(11):1121
Tribological Properties of Alumina/Graphite Composites
백용혁, 정종인, 박용갑, 김주영
J. Korean Ceram. Soc. 1997;34(4):380