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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 52(3); 2015 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2015;52(3): 186.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2015.52.3.186
Tribological Behavior of Whiteware with Different Transparent Glazes
Sujeong Heo, Soomin Kim, Ungsoo Kim, Jaehwan Pee, Yoonsoo Han, Seongwon Kim, Sungmin Lee, Hyungtae Kim, Yoonsuk Oh
Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology
Tribological properties of whiteware with various transparent glazes, which have different composition and microstructure, were investigated. The wear resistance and friction behavior of the glazed whiteware are a very important aspect if the whiteware is used as tableware and for sanitation purposes. Generally, the wear property is influenced by the microstructure and surface morphology of the material. The whiteware specimens with two kinds of transparent glazes were fabricated by using the commercially available porcelain body. Furthermore, the commercial tableware, such as bone china, and traditional tableware were also examined as reference materials. All of the specimens showed that different pore structures might affect the mechanical and tribological properties. It seems that the wear resistance of whiteware is substantially related to the pore size and distribution of glaze rather than the hardness value of the specimen.
Key words: Transparent glaze, Tribology, Hardness, Porcelain, Pores
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