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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 49(3); 2012 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2012;49(3): 231.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2012.49.3.231
Capillary Rheometer를 이용한 숙성시간 및 함수율 변화 도자소지의 가소성평가
김근희, 피재환, 김진호, 김영환1, 조우석, 김경자
한국세라믹기술원 도자세라믹센터
Plasticity Evaluation of Porcelain Body Depend on Aging Period and Water Content Change Using Capillary Rheometer
Geun-Hee Kim, Jae-Hwan Pee, Jin-Ho Kim, Young-Hwan Kim1, Woo-Seok Cho, Kyeong-Ja Kim
Whiteware Ceramric Center, KICET
1Kyeouggi Regional Small Medium Business Administration
Plasticity is the ability of clay to respond to pressure with a continuous and permanent change of shape in any direction without breaking apart, and hold that shape when released. In this work, the effect of water content and aging period on the plasticity of porcelain clay was evaluated using the capillary rheometer to measure the flow rate and the shear stress. The shear stress of porcelain clay was slightly increased with increasing the aging period, indicating that the plasticity of porcelain clay was influenced by an organic content. It was also observed that the water content in the porcelain clay had a great influence on the plasticity of porcelain clay. The shear stress with water content of 21 wt% was sharply increased with increasing shear rate, but the shear stresses with water contents of 24 and 27 wt% is gently incremented.
Key words: Flow rate, Shear rate, Shear stress, Capillary rheometer, Plasticity
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