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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 48(4); 2011 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2011;48(4): 293.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2011.48.4.293
ZrO2-C계 침지노즐 제조시 상대습도에 따른 바인더용 페놀수지의 영향
윤상현, 김장훈1, 김주영, 이희수, 구영석2
부산대학교 재료공학과
1부산대학교 하이브리드소재솔루션
2부산대학교 의류학과
Effect of Phenolic Resin According to Relative Humidity on Submerged Entry Nozzle with ZrO2-C System in Fabrication Process
Sang-Hyeon Yoon, Jang-Hoon Kim1, Ju-Young Kim, Hee-Soo Lee, Young-Seok Koo2
School of Materials Science & Engineering, Pusan National University
1National Core Research Center for Hybrid Materials Solution, Pusan National University
2Department of Clothing and Textiles, Pusan National University
The thermodynamic behavior of phenolic resin was investigated to verify the relation between the properties of porous ceramics with $ZrO_2$-C system for submerged entry nozzle and the characteristics of phenolic resin with various relative humidity. The green and the sintered density were decreased between 25% and 50% relative humidity, whereas they were gradually enhanced above 50% relative humidity. The highest value of apparent porosity was 20.1% and the minimum compressive strength was 69MPa in the specimen using the powder exposed to 50% relative humidity. As a result of thermal analysis for phenolic resin, the shift of endothermic peak to low temperature and the reduction of exothermic peak were observed, and the peaks corresponded to melting and curing of phenolic resin, respectively. The melting and the curing of phenolic resin generate the change of green density, and it can affect the properties of submerged entry nozzle.
Key words: Porous ceramics, Submerged entry nozzle, Phenolic resin, Properties, Relative humidity
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