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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 47(6); 2010 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2010;47(6): 572.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2010.47.6.572
규소 고분자 복합체를 이용한 반응소결 질화규소
홍성진, 안효창, 김득중
성균관대학교 신소재공학부
Reaction Bonded Si3N4 from Si-Polysilazane Mixture
Sung-Jin Hong, Hyo-Chang Ahn, Deug-Joong Kim
School of Advanced Materials Science Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
Reaction-bonded $Si_3N_4$ has cost-reduction merit because inexpensive silicon powder was used as a start material. But its density was not so high enough to be used for structural materials. So the sintered reaction-bonded $Si_3N_4$techniques were developed to solve the low density problem. In this study the sintered reaction-bonded $Si_3N_4$ manufacturing method by using polymer precursor which recently attained significant interest owing to the good shaping and processing ability was proposed. The formations, properties of reaction-bonded $Si_3N_4$ from silicon and polysilazane mixture were investigated. High density reaction-bonded $Si_3N_4$ was manufactured from silicon and silicon-containing preceramic polymers and post-sintering technique. The mixtures of silicon powder and polysilazane were prepared and reaction sintered in $N_2$ atmosphere at $1350^{circ}C$ and post-sintered at 1600~$1950^{circ}C$. Density and phase were analyzed and correlated to the resulting material properties.
Key words: Polymer derived ceramic, Reaction-bonded $Si_3N_4$
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