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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 45(4); 2008 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2008;45(4): 214.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2008.45.4.214
스피넬계 흑색 안료를 이용한 흑색 지르코니아 세라믹스의 제조 및 특성분석
이광호, 이용석, 박주석1, 이병하2
1요업기술원 기술응용확산센터
2명지대학교 신소재공학과
Preparation and Characterization of Black Zirconia Ceramics by Black Color Spinel Pigment
Kwang-Ho Lee, Yong-Seok Lee, Joo-Seok Park1, Byung-Ha Lee2
Booil Technology
1Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology
2Department of Ceramic Engineering, Myoungji University
The zirconia ceramics are widely used because of their excellent mechanical properties. Recently, many researches to make a colored zirconia was achieved to satisfy the individual aesthetic requirements. In this study, the synthesis of black-color spinel-based inorganic pigments which are stable above $1400^{circ}C$ and the fabrication of black-colored zirconia using the synthesized pigments are investigated. Inorganic pigments which have spinel structure and near black color were synthesized by a solid state reaction method using a $Fe_2O_3,;Cr_2O_3$, CoO and NiO powder as a starting materials at $1600^{circ}C$. Most of synthesized pigments were black colored spinel phases and single spinel phase was successfully synthesized at the composition range of $Cr_2O_3:25{sim}35%,;Fe_2O_3:45{sim}55%$, CoO:20% and NiO:$6{sim}10%$. The black-colored zirconia was fabricated at $1410^{circ}C$ with the 5 wt% synthesized pigments and their properties were evaluated. The results showed that the strength value was more than 848 MPa, absorption rate was 0.1%, the brightness of color was $L^*:40{sim}42$, the tone of color is $a^*:0.2{sim}0.8$ and $b^*:-1.1{sim}2.4$. As a result, the black-colored zirconia was suitable for a artificial jewelry or decoration zirconia goods.
Key words: Zirconia, Pigment, Black color, Spinel, Ceramics
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