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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 43(4); 2006 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2006;43(4): 207.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2006.43.4.207
Formation of the Polycaprolactam between Layers of the [DEACOOH]-Montmorillonite Intercalations Complex and Its Characterization
Sung-Jun Cho
Division for New Materials Engineering, Paichai University
[ ${varepsilon}-caprolactam$ ] was polymerized in the layers of the [DEACOOH]-Montmorillonite intercalations complex at high temperatures ranging from 250% to 260% formed from Na-Montmorillonite and 10-Carboxy-n-decyldimethylethylammonium bromide to achieve [DEACOOH]-Polycaprolactam-Montmorillonite, in which an inorganic polymer (montmorillonite) is chemically combined with an organic polymer (polycaprolactam). The results of X-ray and IR analyses for the samples obtained after polymerization showed that the polymerization reaction was successfully accomplished. For the purpose of studying the polymeric reaction product more precisely, the polymerized product was separated from the silicate layers and analyzed with an X-ray diffractometer and an IR-spectrometer. A comparison of the results of the X-ray and IR analyses of the separated polymer and the polymer that was synthesized by the reaction of ${varepsilon}-caprolactam$ solely with the organic cation without montmorillonite showed that the obtained both polymers are identical compounds.
Key words: ${\varepsilon}-caprolactam$, [DEACOOH]-Montmorillonite intercalations complex, Inorganic polymer, Organic polymer, 10-Carboxy-n-decyldimethylethylammonium bromide
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