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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 39(3); 2002 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2002;39(3): 252.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2002.39.3.252
졸-겔법을 이용한 투과성 TiO2 분말 및 박막의 특성 연구
정미원, 이지영, 손현진
성신여자대학교 화학과
Characterization of Transparent TiO2 Power and Thin Films through Sol-Gel Process
Mie-Won Jung, Zee-Young Lee, Hyun-Jin Son
Department of Chemistry, Sungshin Women's University
Transparent $TiO_2$ thin films prepared by sol-gel process using the modification of titanium(IV) alkoxide showed improved thermal stability and high refraction index. Compared to the pure $TiO_2$ film, the modified $TiO_2$ films show the increased index of refraction under proper condition at pH 2.5. Transparency of these $TiO_2$ thin films were more than 80% in the visible region. It has been demonstrated that the reaction occurs in the amorphous phase: an exchange of phase results in anatase before and after 400$^{circ}C$, in rutile over 700$^{circ}$C form the XRD results. The particle sizes, shapes and structures of these nanoclusters in the $TiO_2$ films have been identified through a SEM and XRD. The physical properties and structures of their powders have also been studied through a SEM, XRD, TGA and DSC. The thickness and index of refraction have been determined by the analysis of ellipsometric spectra.
Key words: Titanium dioxide, Thin film, Index of refraction, Transparency, Sol-gel Process
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