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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 39(5); 2002 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2002;39(5): 484.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2002.39.5.484
테이프 캐스팅 산화물 층상 복합체에서의 균열
김지현, 양태영, 이윤복, 윤석영, 박홍채
부산대학교 재료공학부
Cracks in Tape Cast Oxide Laminar Composites
Ji-Hyun Kim, Tae-Young Yang, Yoon-Bok Lee, Seog-Young Yoon, Hong-Chae Park
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Pusan National University
Hot-pressure sintered laminar composites with alumina/zirconia or mullite/zirconia as an outer layer and alumina/zircon (resulting in reaction-bonded mullite/zirconia during sintering) as an inner layer were fabricated by tape casting and lamination. Various forms of crack were observed in sintered laminar composites, these cracks included channel cracks in the outer layer, transverse cracks in the inner layer and interface cracks debonding interlayer. Based on detailed microscopic observations, the cracks were attributed to thermal expansion mismatch between the oxides consisting of the each layer. In particular, the interlayer and transverse cracks were confirmed in the laminates consisted of the mullite/zirconia system as the outer layers, however, those cracks were not observed in the alumina/zirconia system used. In addition, the crack propagation did not exhibit same behavior in the two kinds of outer layer when the indentation load was applied.
Key words: Tape casting, Laminar composites, Cracks, Indentation
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