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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 35(10); 1998 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1998;35(10): 1085.
낮은물/알루미나 비에서 비정질 알루미나 분말의 수화특성
박병기, 서정권1, 이정민1, 서동수
충남대학교 공과대학 재료공학과
1한국화학연구소 화학공정연구센터
The Rehydration Properties of Amorphous Alumina Powder in Low Water/Alumina Ratio
Amorphous alumina powder prepared by the fast calcination of aluminum trihydroxide(Al(OH)3 gibbsite) for 0.5 second at 580$^{circ}C$ was investigated rehydration propeties. Phase composition crystal size and mor-phology surface area pore volume and pore size distribution of pesudo-boehmite and bayerite crystals changed with temperature time water/alumina ratio and particle size when amorphous alumina rehydrated with water. Phase compositions were examined with XRD and DTA and crystal sized morphologies were investigaed with SEM and TEM. Also rehydration properties of amorphous alumina were in-vestigated by measuring the surface area pore volume and pore size distribution.
Key words: Amorphous alumina, Pseudo-boehmite, Active alumina, Desicant, Pore size, Catalytic support
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