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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 35(5); 1998 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1998;35(5): 521.
YO$_{1.5}$-TaO$_{2.5}$-MgO 계 Fluorite 상의 전기전도도
최순목, 김신1, 이홍림
연세대학교 세라믹공학과
1요업기술원 정밀요업과
Electrical Conductivity of YO$_{1.5}$-TaO$_{2.5}$-MgO Based Fluorite Phase
Electrical conductivity of fluorite structure phases in the {{{{ {Y }_{0.8 } }}{{{{ { Ta}_{ 0.2} {O }_{1.7 }-MgO }} system has been studied. Electrical conductivity of 8mol% MgO doped {{{{ {Y }_{0.8 } }} {{{{ {Ta }_{0.2 } {O }_{1.7 } }} fluorite phase was lower than that of the undoped {{{{ {Y }_{0.8 } }}{{{{ {Ta }_{0.2 } {O }_{1.7 } }} When {{{{ { P}_{H2O } }} was increased electrical conductivity of {{{{ {Y }_{0.8 } }}{{{{ {Ta }_{0.2 } {O }_{1.7 } }} increased linealy with {{{{ { P}`_{H2O } ^{ {1 } over {2 } } }} The {{{{ {Y }_{0.8 } }}{{{{ {Ta }_{0.2 } {O }_{1.7 } }} fluorite phase exhibited higher electrical conductivity in wet atmosphere than in dry atmosphere. The identical trend was observed from the 8mol% MgO doped {{{{ {Y }_{0.8 } }}{{{{ {Ta }_{0.2 } {O }_{1.7 } }} fluorite phase.
Key words: Fluorite structure, YO$_{1.5}$-TaO$_{2.5}$-MgO system, Electrical conductivity, Proton
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