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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 32(2); 1995 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1995;32(2): 155.
$CeO_2$계 복합산화물 고체 전해질 제조와 전기전도 특성에 관한 연구
장복기, dladydan, 김영식1
전남대학교 무기재료공학과
1전남대학교 자원공학과
Investigation on the Preparation and Electrical Conductivity of $CeO_2$-System Solid Electrolytes
Solid oxide electrolytes of the MCe1-xGdxO3-x/2 (M: Ba, Mg. x=0.0-0.20) system were prepared using powders synthesized by the "liquid mix" method and calcined from the cross-linked polyacrylic polymer. The specimens were analyzed using XRD and SEM with EDX, and the sintering behavior of the electrolytes and their electrical conductivity were also studied. Although Mg-cerate is relatively inferior to Ba-cerate in the sinterability and chemical homogenity(EDX analysis data), both the Ba- and the Mg-cerate electrolytes at 80$0^{circ}C$ show their maximum conductivities at x=0.10 and their values are in the same order of magnitude, i.e., 3.5$pm$0.17.10-2(ohm.cm)-1.ohm.cm)-1.
Key words: $CeO_2$ system, Solid electrolyte, Liquid mix method, Sinterability, Microstructure, Chemical homogenity, Electrical conductivity
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