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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 29(5); 1992 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1992;29(5): 367.
알콕사이드로부터 Seed가 첨가된 알루미나의 제조(I): 분말특성
김창은, 임광일, 이해욱
연세대학교 공과대학 요업공학과
The Preparation of Seeded Alumina from Alkoxide (I): Powders
The powder characteristics of seeded alumina prepared from alkoxide by sol-gel method were studied. When ${alpha}$-Al2O3 seeded powders used, these ${alpha}$ phase transformation temperatures decreased than those of unseeded powders by 110$^{circ}C$ and fine powders under 0.1 $mutextrm{m}$ could be obtained. When Fe-nitrate added powders used, fast transformation rate resulted from ionic effects of Fe3+, but hard aggregated morphology exhibited. When ${alpha}$-Al2O3 and Fe nitrate simultaneously added, these powders represented lower transformation temperature but resulted in microstructure with aggregated particles.
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