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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 20(3); 1983 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1983;20(3): 199.
세라믹 기판에 대한 저온 용융프릿트의 침윤 거동
노태준, 오근호, 이종근, 김대웅1
한양대학교 무기재료공학과
1(주) 금강중앙연구소
Wetting Behavior of Low Temperature Molten Frits on Various Ceramic Substrates
An attempt was made to study wetting behavior of various low temperature molten frist on ceramic substrates including high alumina silicon carbide and porous fired clay plates by Sessile-drop method. The cosine values of contact angles between substrates and molten frist were linear as a function of temperature unless chemical reactions between substrate and molten frit occured. Addition of BaO to frit composition indicated that cosine of values of contact angles were gradually increased with increasing temperature but in the frist contained $Li_2O$ consine values were abruptly increased with increasing temperature after reached a certain temperature. The contact angle increased with increasing roughness of the substrate surface in case of alumina substrate plate.
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