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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 52(6); 2015 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2015;52(6): 455.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2015.52.6.455
Particle Stabilized Wet Foam to Prepare SiO2-SiC Porous Ceramics by Colloidal Processing
Subhasree Bhaskar, Jung Gyu Park, In Sub Han1, Mi Jai Lee2, Tae Young Lim2, Ik Jin Kim
Institute of Processing and Application of Inorganic Materials (PAIM), Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Hanseo University
1Energy Materials Laboratory, Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER)
2Ceramics for Display & Optics, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology (KICET)
Porous ceramics with tailored pore size and shape are promising materials for the realization of a number of functional and structural properties. A novel method has been reported for the investigation of the role of SiC in the formation of $SiO_2$ foams by colloidal wet processing. Within a suitable pH range of 9.9 ~ 10.5 $SiO_2$, particles were partially hydrophobized using hexylamine as an amphiphile. Different mole ratios of the SiC solution were added to the surface modified $SiO_2$ suspension. The contact angle was found to be around $73^{circ}$, with an adsorption free energy $6.8{times}10^{-12}J$. The Laplace pressure of about 1.25 ~ 1.6 mPa was found to correspond to a wet foam stability of about 80 ~ 85%. The mechanical and thermal properties were analyzed for the sintered ceramics, with the highest compressive load observed at the mole ratio of 1:1.75. Hertzian indentations are used to evaluate the damage behavior under constrained loading conditions of $SiO_2$-SiC porous ceramics.
Key words: Porous ceramics, Wet process, Adsorption free energy, Laplace pressure, Wet foam stability, Hertzian indentations
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