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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 50(1); 2013 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2013;50(1): 63.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2013.50.1.63
상온 분사 공정에 의한 산화물전도 입자 복합 하이브리드 NTC 서미스터 필름의 제작 및 특성
강주은, 류정호, 최종진, 윤운하, 김종우, 안철우, 최준환, 박동수, 김양도1
한국기계연구원 부설 재료연구소 기능세라믹연구실
1부산대학교 재료공학과
Fabrication and Characterization of Hybrid NTC Thermistor Films with Conducting Oxide Particles by an Aerosol-Deposition Process
Ju-Eun Kang, Jungho Ryu, Jong-Jin Choi, Woon-Ha Yoon, Jong-Woo Kim, Cheol-Woo Ahn, Joon Hwan Choi, Dong-Soo Park, Yang-Do Kim1
Functional Ceramics Research Group, Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS)
1School of Materials Science and Engineering, Pusan National University
Negative-temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistors based on nickel manganite spinel ($NiMn_2O_4$) are widely used for many applications, such as sensors and temperature compensators, due to their good thermistor characteristics and stabilities. However, to achieve thermistors with a high NTC B constant, which is an important figure of merit pertaining to the degree of temperature sensitivity, the activation energy should be high such that high resistivity at ambient temperatures results. To obtain a high B constant and low resistivity, Al and Si modified spinel structured $Ni_{0.6}Si_{0.2}Al_{0.6}Mn_{1.6}O_4$ hybrid thick films with the conducting metal oxide of $LaNiO_3$ were fabricated on a glass substrate by aerosol deposition at room temperature (RT). The NTC-$LaNiO_3$ hybrid thick films showed resistivity as low as < $100k{Omega};cm$ at $90^{circ}C$, which is one or two orders of magnitude lower than that of the monolithic NTC films, while retaining a high B constant of $NiMn_2O_4$ of over 5500 K when 20 wt% $LaNiO_3$ was added without a post-thermal treatment. These phenomena are explained by the percolation threshold mechanism.
Key words: NTC thermistor, $LaNiO_3$, Thick film, Hybrid, Aerosol-deposition
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