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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 45(5); 2008 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2008;45(5): 303.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2008.45.5.303
Geopolymer Technique에 의한 Mullite 분말의 합성
손세구, 이지현, 이정미, 김영도
거화이에스알 기술연구소
Synthesis of Mullite Powders by the Geopolymer Technique
Se-Gu Son, Ji-Hyeon Lee, Jeong-Mi Lee, Young-Do Kim
GEOWHA E.S.R Research Center
Mullite precursors were synthesized with aluminosilicate gels from mixture of aluminum nitrate and sodium orthosilicate by the geopolymer technique at ambient temperature. Then, the gel was heat-treated in air up to $1200^{circ}C$ at intervals of $100^{circ}C$. Raw and heat-treated gels were characterized by TG-DTA, XRD, FTIR, $^{29}Si$ MAS-NMR, TEM. The result to examine the crystallization of behavior though DTA, the synthesized precursors were crystallized in the temperature range from $950^{circ}C$ to $1050^{circ}C$. The XRD results showed that the gel compositions were begun to crystallize at various temperature. Also, it was found that the precursors of M-4 begun to crystallize at about $950^{circ}C$. The M-4 XRD peaks were characterized better than $M-1{sim}M-3$ at $1000^{circ}C$. The formation temperature of mullite in this study is much lower than that of previous sol-gel methods, which crystallized at up of $1200^{circ}C$. TEM investigations revealed that the sample with 10 nm particle size was obtained via heat-treated at $1000^{circ}C$ for M-4.
Key words: Mullite, Aluminosilicate gel, Geopolymer technique, Crystallization behavior, Nano size
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