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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 43(7); 2006 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2006;43(7): 421.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2006.43.7.421
티탄산 바륨 스트론튬 (BaxSr1-xTiO3) 후막의 상전이온도와 가변 유전특성
전소현, 김인성1, 민복기1, 송재성1, 윤존도
경남대학교 재료공학과
1한국전기연구원 전자기소자연구그룹
Curie Temperature and Tunable Dielectric Properties of Barium Strontium Titanate Thick Films
So-Hyun Jeon, In-Sung Kim1, Bok-Ki Min1, Jae-Sung Song1, Jon-Do Yoon
Department of Materials Engineering, Kyungnam University
1Electric and Magnetic Devices Group, Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute
[ $(BaSr)TiO_3$ ] thick films were prepared by tape casting method, using $BaTiO_3;and;SrTiO_3$ powder slurry in order to investigate dielectric properties i.e. dielectric constant, ${varepsilon}_r$, Curie temperature, $T_c$. Grain growth within $(BaSr)TiO_3$ thick films was observed with increasing weight ratio of $BaTiO_3$. This observation can be explained by phenomena of substitution of $Sr^{2+}$ ion for $Bi^{2+}$ ion in the $BaTiO_3$ system. Also, the Curie temperature in $(BaSr)TiO_3$ thick films was shifted to lower temperature range with increasing $ SrTiO_3$. Furthermore, Curie temperature having maximum dielectric constant was in the range of $-40^{circ}C;to;30^{circ}C$, and hence sharper phase transformation occurred at Curie temperature. There occurred decrease in tunability and k-factor of $(Ba_{0.6}Sr_{0.4})TiO_3$ calculated from the dielectric constant, ${varepsilon}_r$ above Curie temperature. In addition, above the $60^{circ}C$, phase fixation was observed. This means that internal stress relief occurred with increasing $90^{circ}$ domains.
Key words: BST, Thick films, Curie temperature, Tunability, Dielectric properties
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