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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 42(11); 2005 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2005;42(11): 729.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2005.42.11.729
External Gelation 방법을 이용한 구형 UO3 Gel 입자 제조
정경채, 김연구, 오승철, 조문성, 이영우, 장종화
한국원자력연구소 수소기술총괄팀
Spherical UO3 Gel Preparation Using the External Gelation Method
KyungChai Jeong, YeonKu Kim, SeungChul Oh, Moon-Sung Cho, YoungWoo Lee, JongWha Chang
Fuel Technology Development Team, KAERI
HTGR (High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor) is spotlighted to next generation nuclear power plant for producing the clean hydrogen gas and the electricity. In this study, the spherical $UO_3$ gel particles were prepared by the external gelation process, and the characteristics of these particles were analyzed the particle shape, composition of precipitate, and thermal decomposition characteristics with the Streoscope, FT-IR, and X-ray diffractometer. Raw material of the ADUN (Acid Deficient Uranyl Nitrate) solution, which has [$NO_3$]/[U] mole ratio = 1.75, was obtained from dissolution of the $U_{3}O_{8}$ powder with concentrated $HNO_3$, and its concentration is 3.5 M-U/l. The broth solution is prepared with the ADUN, urea, PVA, and THFA solution. The droplets of the broth solution was made through a nozzle system. From this study, we obtained the following results; 1) an externel chemical gelation process is a suitable method in the spherical $UO_3$ particle production, 2) the particle shape are changed by an urea mixing time, THFA volume, and the viscosity of the broth solution, 3) the amorphous $UO_3$ particles obtained from these experiments was converted to $U_{3}O_{8}$ and then $UO_2$ by heat treatment in hydrogen atmosphere at $600^{circ}C$.
Key words: Sol-Gel, Nozzle
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