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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 41(8); 2004 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2004;41(8): 633.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2004.41.8.633
Microwave Dielectric Properties of CaTi0.5Fe0.25Nb0.25O3 Ceramics with CuO Addition
Kui-Won Kang, Hyo-Tae Kim1, Joon-Cheol Hwang1, Joong-Hee Nam1, Dong-Hun Yeo
Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology
1Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technolog
The sintering behavior, microstructure and microwave dielectric properties of Ca $Ti_{0.5}$F $e_{0.25}$N $b_{0.25}$ $O_3$ with CuO have been investigated. Among the range of additions, 3 wt% CuO was observed to perform most satisfactory for acting as a sintering aid. The dielectric properties were found to strongly depend on the sintered densities. The dielectric constant increased with sintering temperatures, while the Q${times}$ $f_{0}$ value affected by second phase. For Ca $Ti_{0.5}$F $e_{0.25}$N $b_{0.25}$ $O_3$ with 3 wt% CuO sintered at 100$0^{circ}C$ for 2 h, the dielectric properties with an $varepsilon$$_{r}$ value of 56, a Q${times}$ $f_{0}$ value of 3,500 GHz and a $tau$$_{f}$ value of 10 ppm/$^{circ}C$ were obtained and suggested for practical applications.cations.ons.ons.ons.
Key words: ${CaTi_{0.5}}{Fe_{0.25}}{Nb_{0.25}}{O_3}$, Microwave dielectric properties, CuO, Sintering aid
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