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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 39(5); 2002 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2002;39(5): 438.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2002.39.5.438
LTCC용 Glass Frit의 결정화 특성 및 유전 특성에 대한 PbO 함량의 영향
박정현, 김용남, 송규호, 유재영1
연세대학교 세라믹공학과
The Influence of PbO Content on the Crystallisation Characteristics and Dielectric Properties of Glass Frit for LTCC
Jeong-Hyun Park, Yong-Nam Kim, Kyu-Ho Song, Jae-Young Yoo1
Department of Ceramic Engineering, Yonsei University
1Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
In this study, the glass frit of $PbO-TiO-2-SiO_2-BaO-ZnO-Al_2O-3-CaO-B_2O_3-Bi_2O_3-MgO$ system was manufactured. The glass was melted at $1,400{circ}C$, quenched and attrition-milled. The glass frit powder was pressed and fired for 2h at the range of $750~1,000{circ}C$. The crystallization of glass frit began at about $750{circ}$ and at low temperature, the main crystal phases were hexagonal celsian($BaAl_2Si_2O_8$) and alumina. As the firing temperature increased, the crystal phases of monoclinic celsian, zinc aluminate, zinc silicate, calcium titanium silicate and titania appeared. And the increase of firing temperature led to transformation of hexagonal celsian to monoclinic. The only glass frit containing 15wt% PbO had the crystal phase of solid solution of $PbTiO_3-CaTiO_3$. At the frequency of 1 MHz, the dielectric constant of glass frit crystallized was in the range of 11~16 and the dielectric loss less than 0.020. But the glass frit containing 15wt% PbO had the dielectric constant of 17~26 and loss of 0.010~0.015 because of crystal phase of solid solution of $PbTiO_3-CaTiO_3$.
Key words: Glass frit, Crystallization, Dielectric constant, Dielectric loss, $PbTiO_3-CaTiO_3$ solid solution, Celsian
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